What Are the most Common STDs on New Born babies

Newborns can get STDs from their mothers during pregnancy, delivery, or through skin-to-skin contact. Hep B, HIV, and chlamydia are some of the most common. These diseases can be damaging, even fatal, to a newborn’s health.

Which Std can be Spread by Skin-to-Skin Contact

Pregnant women must have prenatal care and regular screening tests to pick up any potential infections.

Other STDs can also affect babies, such as gonorrhoea and herpes simplex virus (HSV). These infections can result in brain damage or blindness in newborns, and HSV may cause seizures, breathing difficulties, and jaundice.

According to the WHO, almost one million infants get HSV from their mothers every year. Expectant moms with prior genital herpes history should seek medical advice before pregnancy – even if they don’t have visible signs of infection at birth.

Skin-to-skin contact: a new way to pass down more than just genes to your bundle of joy.

Most Common STDs Transmitted to Newborns via Skin-to-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin Contact Transmitting STDs on Newborns

STDs transmitted to newborns via skin-to-skin contact can result in serious health complications. These common infections can affect newborns during delivery or pregnancy. Genital herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), and syphilis are some of the most common STDs transferred to newborns during delivery.

During delivery, active sores and blisters can cause genital herpes in newborns. The human papillomavirus (HPV) can result in genital warts and can lead to cancer. Syphilis can also have severe consequences, including developmental delays and bone deformities.

It is imperative to get tested for STDs during pregnancy to prevent transmission to newborns. Treating these STDs in advance can reduce the risk of transmission and help ensure healthy delivery.

Pro Tip: Be proactive and get tested for STDs to protect newborns from dangerous infections.

Looks like you don’t want a kiss from Grandma with that case of HSV, unless you’re a fan of cold sores and awkward family dinners.

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

HSV is an STD which can be passed on through skin-to-skin contact. It can lead to sores and blisters around the mouth, genitals, or other body parts. HSV can also be passed from a mother to her baby during childbirth. This can cause severe health issues including brain damage.

There are two types of herpes simplex virus: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 2 is more likely to cause genital herpes, but Type 1 can too – especially through oral sex.

Babies born with HSV often have to be hospitalised for weeks and take antiviral medication before they can lead a normal life. To avoid foetal complications, preventative measures must be taken for pregnant women with genital HSV outbreaks.

Recently, a couple expecting their first child discovered one partner had HSV despite never having symptoms. With care and medication, they delivered a healthy baby without transmission. They were surprised by how little information had been shared with them.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

HPV is a virus that spreads through sexual contact. It’s found in over 150 strains. Some can cause warts and cervical cancer. It can also be spread through oral sex.

Newborns can get it from their mom. Symptoms include warts or sores. Pregnant women with warts should get treated fast.

From 9-26 years old, males and females can get vaccinated to protect against certain types of HPV. 79 million Americans have it, with 14 million getting new infections annually.

The CDC recommends screening for sexually active women aged 25-65 to look for cell changes linked to cervical cancer.


Syphilis has 4 stages: primary, secondary, latent and tertiary; plus periods of remission. Antibiotics are needed to kill the bacteria and stop it from spreading. Although uncommon in advanced countries, it is still a serious public health problem. In the past, people called it ‘the great pox’ or ‘the French disease’. Now, it is treatable but dangerous, so it needs immediate diagnosis and treatment. Otherwise, both mum and baby will suffer bad consequences. Looks like babies aren’t the only ones getting ‘gifts’ from their parents during skin-to-skin contact.

Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia can pass from mother to baby during childbirth. These infections are caused by bacteria which infect the reproductive system, causing discharge and pain when urinating.

Mothers may not show any symptoms, so regular prenatal tests are essential to detect any infection before birth. If left untreated, this can cause serious health problems for both mum and baby.

Other STIs, such as herpes and syphilis, can be passed on in the same way – although it is rare.

Remember: Regular prenatal tests are needed to detect any potential STI infections before childbirth. Prompt treatment helps to stop it being passed from mother to child.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that attacks the white blood cells of the immune system. This leads to immunodeficiency. HIV can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse or using needles that have been shared. It can also be passed from mother to child during delivery or breastfeeding.

The best way to avoid getting HIV is to use condoms during sex and to be careful around needles. Antiretroviral therapy helps those with HIV remain healthy, but there is no cure as of yet.

It is possible for babies born to HIV-positive mothers to not contract the virus. With the right medical care and precautions, transmission can be avoided in up to 98% of cases.

In 1991, Magic Johnson’s announcement of his HIV diagnosis brought the virus into the public eye. This raised awareness of prevention and treatment efforts.

Symptoms and Risks of STDs in Newborns

In examining the implications of STDs in newborns, it is vital to note the symptoms and risks that may arise. Such hazards vary, including those transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Here are the details of STD risks and symptoms in newborns:

  • Instances of skin rashes and sores
  • Respiratory infections and breathing problems
  • Low birth weight and premature births
  • Feeding difficulties and anaemia
  • Seizures and even death in worst-case scenarios,
  • Eye infections resulting in blindness or conjunctivitis also known as “pink eye.”

It is worthy to emphasise that STDs in newborns may go unnoticed as infants show symptoms that might not even resemble those found in adults, such as fever or chills.

 Furthermore, treatment of affected newborns may take a longer time and recommended medicines may not work as humans evolve, making antibiotics ineffective. It is recommendable to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis, testing, and medication.

One way to prevent STDs in newborns is prenatal care. Pregnant women with STDs can obtain treatment before giving birth. It is also vital to follow proper care procedures for the newborn ensuring they undergo routine screenings and vaccinations. Additionally, avoid substance abuse or unprotected sex during pregnancy to reduce chances of adverse outcomes. These precautions protect the newborn and encourage early detection of STDs, facilitating prompt treatment.

Even babies know that rashes in all the wrong places are not a good thing.

Symptoms of STDs in Newborns

STDs in Newborns: Symptoms and Risks

Newborns are at risk of acquiring STDs if their mom is infected during pregnancy or delivery. Identifying symptoms quickly is essential to stop severe issues for newborns.

Symptoms of STDs in Newborns:

  • Skin rash on palms, soles, or other body parts.
  • Pneumonia or difficulty breathing.
  • Eye infections or pink eye.
  • Fever, poor eating, listlessness, and crankiness.
  • Swelling and discharge from genitals.

Paediatricians should check out any weird signs in newborns ASAP. Delaying or ignoring could lead to blindness, brain damage, death, or infection.

Chlamydia is a common STD in pregnant women. It needs early detection and treatment. Chlamydia can cause premature birth and low-weight babies.

The CDC reports 1000 cases of accidental syphilis transmissions yearly. Testing for syphilis during prenatal care can avoid complications later.

STDs can be a real problem for newborns; don’t forget to get tested!

Risks of STDs in Newborns

Newborns born to mothers with STDs are in danger. Risks include breathing problems, vision and hearing loss, brain damage, and even death. Syphilis and HIV/AIDS are the most serious and can be passed on during birth.

Congenital syphilis causes bone issues, rashes, fever, seizures, and nerve damage. It’s also possible to transmit hepatitis B and C viruses during delivery. To prevent these risks, screening and vaccination programs are essential.

Pregnant women must get tested if they have an STD. Early treatment is key to protect babies. Many parents don’t get tested or share medical history due to stigma or fear. But awareness campaigns could help.

In 2019, South Africa launched a program that reduced mother-to-child transmission rates by 90%. This program highlighted using antiretroviral therapy to stop STI transmission from infected pregnant mothers to their newborns. Quick action is needed when symptoms appear, or lifelong health issues may occur. Don’t let your baby’s first words be ‘antibiotics’ and ‘herpes’: get tested early!

Prevention and Treatment of STDs in Newborns

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be passed from an infected mother to her newborn baby during childbirth, leading to serious health complications. The prevention and treatment of STDs in newborns involves identifying the infection at an early stage through prenatal testing and administering appropriate medication to the mother and baby. This reduces the risk of transmission and ensures the baby receives the necessary treatment.

Skin-to-skin contact can spread certain STDs such as herpes, making it crucial to take necessary precautions during delivery. Treating STDs in newborns can involve oral medication or intravenous antibiotics.

It is important to note that while STDs can be prevented, they can also be easily transmitted. Practising safe sex and getting regular STD screenings can help prevent the spread of these infections. Additionally, seeking early treatment and maintaining proper hygiene can also reduce the risk of transmission.

Pro Tip: Pregnant women should undergo routine prenatal testing to identify any potential infections. It is also crucial for physicians to communicate the importance of safe sex practices and provide information on how to reduce the risk of transmission to both mother and child.

Protect your baby by keeping your pants on and your hands to yourself – abstinence is the ultimate prevention method.

Prevention Methods STDs in Newborns

To help stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) from an infected mom to her baby, there are certain steps to take.

  1. Regular prenatal checkups and consistent medical care for pregnant women are key to identify and diagnose STDs.
  2. Treatment during pregnancy can reduce the risk of passing on STDs.
  3. Doctors may recommend a C-section for women with certain STDs, such as herpes or HIV, to lessen the chance of transmission during delivery.
  4. Breastfeeding should be avoided if the mother has a risk of transmitting STDs like HIV.
  5. Counselling on safe sex and the risks of STDs can help stop future infections or reinfections.

It’s important to know that some of these preventative measures are not always 100% effective. Testing newborns for potential infections is a must.

To ensure healthy birth outcomes, pregnant women should have consistent medical care and give complete information about their health history to their healthcare providers. Don’t ignore your baby’s health – seek medical help and follow preventive measures carefully.

Medical Treatment of STDs in Newborns

Treating STDs in babies is key to stopping long-term issues. Various meds, like antibiotics and antivirals, exist for different kinds of pathogens. Newborns of infected mothers need quick screening and prophylaxis. The dosage and length of therapy depend on factors like gestational age and the pathogen’s susceptibility. Optimal outcomes require medical professionals working together.

Supportive care, like phototherapy or mechanical ventilation, may be needed. Tests, such as an eye exam or fluid analysis, may be used for surveillance of complications. Close monitoring of babies and parents’ education on signs and symptoms are essential to reduce morbidity.

PCR-testing for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae was a breakthrough. This method helps to recognize infections quickly and treat them with antibiotics, avoiding serious problems like ophthalmia, pneumonia, or sepsis.

In 2020, a review suggested that universal STI screening during pregnancy should be done routinely to spot cases efficiently and cost-effectively.

Conclusion: Importance of Early Detection and Treatment of STDs in Newborns

Detecting & Treating STDs in Newborns

It is essential to detect and treat STDs in newborns quickly. This is especially important when babies come into contact with an infected mother during birth, as it can lead to serious health issues. Parents should visit paediatricians regularly to make sure their baby is tested and treated on time.

Early diagnosis and intervention are essential for managing life-threatening infections in infants. Therefore, it is vital that they receive medical care from healthcare professionals.

It is often overlooked that certain STDs in newborns can be spread through skin-to-skin contact with infected caregivers. For example, HSV-1 or -2 (oral or genital herpes) can be passed on if the baby comes into contact with the caregiver’s cold sores or outbreak sores.

Mrs Kema Martins*, a licensed nurse, was sad to learn that some parents had to deal with late-diagnosed complications due to lack of attention from healthcare practitioners. She knew how important it was to not ignore health issues in newborns. But, it can be hard to diagnose multiple ailments at once without professional help.

*Names have been changed for confidentiality purposes